Monday, February 9, 2015

U.S. unemployment decrease reflects more workforce dropouts

Types of Unemployment

Frictional Unemployment: Means that you're between jobs, or are actively looking for another job (education, choices)
Seasonal Unemployment: Bus drivers, life guards, construction
Cyclical Unemployment: Downturns in business cycle (bad for society and individuals)
Structural Unemployment: Associated with the lack of skill, or declining industry
Equation for inflation: New-Old/Old x 100
Deflation: Decline in general price level.
Disinflation: Inflation rate declines.
Equation for inflation: New-Old/Old x 100
Finding inflation rate using market basket data: Current year-Base year/Base year x 100
Finding inflation rate using price indexes: Current year-Base year/Base year x 100

Nominal GDP VS. Real GDP

  • Nominal GDP: is the value of output produced in current prizes 
    • It can increase from year to year if output or price increase 
    • PxQ
  • Real GDP: Value of output produced in constant or base year prices
    • It is adjusted for inflation
    • Only increases from year to year if the output increases.
  • Price Index: 
    • price of market basket goods in current  X 100
    • price of market basket goods in base 
  • GDP Deflator: is always equal to 100/ for years after base year 
    • The deflator is greater than 100 for years after the base years
    • The deflator is less than 100 for years before the base year 

January 28, 2015

  • Expenditure Approach:  method for calculating GDP that totals consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. Although GDP can be calculated through other methods, the expenditure method is the most common.
    • C+IG+G+Xn=GDP
  • Income: Add up all income earned by households and firms in a single year.

  • GDP= W+R+I+P+  Statistical Adjustments 
    • Wages- (compensation of employment, salary, pension)
    • Rent- (tenancy to landlord, lease payment by a corporation for the use of their space)
    • Interest- Amount of money paid by private businesses to the suppliers of loans used to purchase capitol
    • Profit- Corporate income taxes, dividends, undistributed corporate offices
  • Budget: Government purchases of goods and services + government transfer payments
    • Positive Number= Budget deficit
    • Negative Number= Budget surplus
  • Trade: Exports- imports
  • GNP: GDP+Net foreign factor income
  • NNP: GDP- Depreciation
  • National Income: GDP- indirect business taxes- depreciation- net foreign factor payments
  • Disposable Personal Income: NI- personal household taxes+ GTP 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gross National Product

What is GNP?
 Gross National Product: Is the total value of all final goods and services by citizens of that country on its land or on foreign land.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

  • Economists collect statistics on production, income, investments, and saving. This is called National Income Accounting.

  • The most important measure of growth is GDP. 

GDP: Is the total dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a countries borders within a given year.

What's NOT included in GDP count?
- Intermediate goods
      -No multiple counting
      - Only count final goods
-Second Hand or USED Goods
-Non Market Activity
       -Illegal drugs
       - Babysitting/Volunteering
-Financial Transactions
        - Bonds
        - Real Estate
-Gifts- Transfer Payments
         -Social Security
         - Scholarships
         - Transfer Payments

What IS Included in GDP count?
-Consumption: 67% of the economy
- Gross Domestic Private Investment
-Government Spending
- Xn: Net Exports/ Imports